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Tablatura de Sumo: Waiting for 1989
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7.34/10 (11)
Luca Prodan
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Intro (nota muda)
Riff SOL LA SIm E--------------------------------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------------------------------- D-----------------------------------------------4-4----------4-4------ A---------2----5-5----2---------4----7-7----4---------5-2---------5-2- E---3-3--------------------5-5----------------------------------------
SIm People moving every day
MIm you know they move so slow
LA do they know why they are goning? do they know why they go? look into the book of rules and tell me what you see are you all that different are you just the same as me? Riff Waiting for 1989 we don't want no more war... Love is slipping away it slips away so fast I always thought that it would last and it would last look into your book of rules and tell me what you see am I all that different? Are you just the same as me waiting for 1989 we don't want no more war... Waiting for 1989 Burruchaga es un pescado and shut that door.
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