Alfredo Gatíca
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Para Empezar esta canicon la hise basandome mucho en mis predesesores
he hecho algunas modificaciones para k kede perfectamente bien un k
yo recmendaria k fuera tocada con dos guitarras para k se oiga mejor
mi -------------------------------------------|
SI ----------------------1-------------3------|
RE -----3----3-------------------0------------|
la --1--------------3-------------------------|
MI -------------------------------------------|
MI --10--12---13---12---10------10--10--------|
SI -------------------------------------------|
sol -------------------------------------------|
RE -------------------------------------------|
LA -------------------------------------------|
MI -------------------------------------------|
para empezar la prime guitarra k toke la parte 1 (P1) dos veces y en seguida k toke la
segundo gutarra la parte 2 (P2) ok y esto dice asi
A# C Dm
Step inside the corridor
A# C Dm
feeling sole invade your senses
A# C Dm
spirits had the gates of winter
A# C Dm
ready for the seasons countdown
A# C Dm
So it goes, the gate is open
A# C Dm
all your past remains in silence
A# C Dm
but your future is unsure
A# C Dm
you plan to go away.... (P2 gutarra1)
(A#, C, Dm un solo rasgeo
F#m G A
Never thought that your mind was away
never threw away your want ends
F#m G
never kept you by my side
now you the lone you're obviously mine
F#m G
Jinni come down Jinni come down
close your desires or burn them with fire
F#m G A D
Jinni come down Jinni come down and feel me...
A# C Dm
Seven stranger on your door
A# C Dm
feeling like you were behind them
A# C Dm
listen to white handed knocks
A# C Dm
in mission of the sound of wisdom
A# C Dm
so it goes the door is open
A# C Dm
all your past remains in silence
A# C Dm
now your future is for sure
A# C Dm
our plan to go away (P2 gutarra1)
(A#, C, Dm un solo rasgeo
F#m G A
Never thought that your mind was away
never threw away your want ends
F#m G
never kept you by my side
now you the lone you're obviously mine
F#m G
always dreaming always screaming
close your eyes and feel me......
Este fichero es trabajo propio de su transcriptor y representa su
interpretación personal de la canción. El material contenido en
esta página es
para exclusivo uso privado, por lo que se prohibe su
reproducción o retransmisión, así como su uso para fines comerciales.