Annie Lennox
Estaba en llamas cuando me acoste
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Formato del Texto
Em C B7
Sweet dreams are made of this.
Em C B7
Who am I to disagree?
Em C B7
I travel the world and the seven seas.
Em C B7
Everybody's looking for something.
Em C B7
Some of them want to use you,
Em C B7
some of them want to get used by you.
Em C B7
Some of them want to abuse you,
Em C B7
some of them want to be abused.
Sweet dreams are made...
Keep your head up-movin on.
Keep your head up-movin on.
Keep your head up-movin on.
Keep your head up-movin on.
Sweet dreams are made...
Sweet dreams are made of this.
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas.
Everybody's looking for something.
Everybody's looking for something....
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